Nov 9, 2021 - 7pm
Lifepoint Church, 61 Hopper Street, Mount Cook, Wellington 6011
At our meeting on Tuesday, we will have two speakers for you.
Niall Heeran from Copo Property Managers will primarily focus on healthy homes - what they have found in their inspections, what are the predominant causes of failures, etc. When a brand new house fails the standards what is the world coming to!
Our second speaker is David Living from Williams Corporation. He will speak about their current property developments and the opportunities they provide for investors.
Doors open at 6.45 pm, with the meeting beginning at 7:00pm.
Location: Lifepoint Church, 61 Hopper Street, Mount Cook, Wellington 6011.
Parking: Very limited parking on site and on Hopper Street. Closest Pay-and-Display parking is at Massey University Wellington Wallace Street, Mount Cook.
As a sustainable association we encourage you to bring a keep cup or water bottle to meetings. Tea and coffee are provided.